How to Play

The game starts when you are stuck inside the cursed mines after an earthquake blocked the entrance.
Your only chance of survival is reaching level 5 attack spell - with it you can crush the boulders, shatter them into pebbles and escape.
The mines start with some population of monsters, and every 45 seconds a new monster is added. You will hear a sound when a new monster is added.
Each time, the new monster is randomly more powerful than the previous ones. You better escape quickly or you will be overwhelmed eventually.

You have few spells at your disposal:

The spells start at level 1, which is enough to harm the weaker monsters, but will barely tickle the more powerful ones that will arrive as the game progresses.

Advancing the Spell levels

Sorry the section below was my plans - but I ran out of time and instead gave levels 1-3 at the begining without any ability to get levels 4-5... so there is no way to win the game - just survive as long as you can.

You can learn a new spell level by acquiring one of the lost magic pages. However, this isn't so easy - the magic pages are hidden and show themselves only to the most worthy of heroes.
You must prove yourself worthy before a magic page will appear - and the more powerful pages may be most difficult to find.

After 5 consecutive successful attacks of the highest level you have, you will be deemed worthy to learn the next level, and a new magic page will appear somewhere.
Touch the magic page and you will instantly learn its secrets - and a new spell level will become available.


Simple, you move using the arrow keys. Use shift+[arrow] to walk, but there is no reason to walk, so don't do it.
In the future walk vs run will have tactical differences (eg. walk to sneak behind monsters) but not yet.


Press A to cast an attack, and press S to cast a shield.
You can only attack while an enemy is within range, but can shield at any time. Attempting to cast attack with no enemy in range will display the range.
When you are casting mini-games will display above you - getting them correct will successfully cast the spell, getting them wrong will fail the spell. See the section below about mini-games to learn how to play them.

Remember - higher level spells are significantly more powerful, but also their mini-games are more difficult.
You can use the Q or 1 buttons to cycle between levels of attack spell,
and the W or 2 buttons to cycle between levels of shield spell.

The attack spell will automatically target one of the enemies in range. Press Z to cycle targets if more than one is in range.
You can see the current target by the ellipse that will appear below it.

While you are casting you use the arrow keys to play the mini-games (see explanation below).
Press Space bar to finish casting, or press the casting button (ie. A or S) again.


Mental Math mini-game

Your task is to choose the smaller mathematical expression, using the arrow keys.
Press Left arrow if the smaller expression is on the left, and press Down arrow if both expressions are equal.

Spanish mini-game

Coming soon!